Your food should be full of nutrition, include these things in the diet:

 In their hectic routine, people tend to ignore food the most. Your food should be full of nutrition, including these things in the diet. 

Your food should be full of nutrition

  They eat it in a hurry, regardless of whether they are getting enough nutrition from that diet or not. The result is that after a while such people start falling prey to many types of health problems. If you also have a habit of ignoring nutrition in food, then curb this habit to stay healthy. To keep yourself healthy, it is very important that your diet is full of nutrition and your food should be full of nutrition, include these things in the diet.

What should be included in the meal:

  To keep your diet full of nutrition, it is important that you include a balanced amount of proteins, vitamins, calcium, minerals, and antioxidants in it on a daily basis. Include things in your diet that
There are plenty of such things to nourish you. 

Flax seeds:  

Your food should be full of nutrition

  Flax seeds or flax seeds are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids that provide nourishment to the body. Roast one tablespoon linseed seeds and grind them. By sprinkling it on any food, eating it increases the fiber present in the grains included in your meal by two to three grams of fiber. A recent survey has found that people who regularly use flaxseeds in their diet are less likely to have any type of cancer, such as breast, prostate, and colon, compared to other people. .

  Apart from this, regular use of flaxseeds makes skin and hair healthy, reduces obesity, lowers cholesterol levels and makes the digestive system work properly. The anti-oxidants present in it reduce the risk of any kind of disease by increasing the immunity of the body. Include one or two tablespoons of roasted flaxseeds daily in your diet for proper nutrition. You can make a powder of roasted linseed seeds add some salt to it and use it as a chutney.

Your food should be full of nutrition

  Beans are rich in soluble fiber, which is good for the heart. It also works to absorb excess cholesterol from the body. It has been proved in the survey that soluble fiber reduces the amount of cholesterol from the body by absorbing 10-15 percent of the cholesterol present in the body.
  Beans are also rich in antioxidants. Apart from this, the amount of protein in them is more than any other leafy food, but the protein present in them is incomplete. Therefore, instead of eating empty beans, it is beneficial to eat them with rice or roti. Instead of eating dry beans, cowpeas, etc. by eating them with rice and roti, you can fulfill the necessary nutrition for your body. A quarter cup of beans has the same amount of nutrition as a serving of meat eaten at a time. So if you are a vegetarian then beans are a great source of protein for you. You can also eat beans soaked and mixed in salads.

Your food should be full of nutrition


Calcium found in curd is very beneficial for bones. The probiotics present in curd play an important role in providing nutrition to the body as well as fighting diseases. Use a bowl of low-fat curd regularly in your diet.

  You can have it in the morning breakfast or at lunch. By adding kiwi, strawberry, blueberry, apple, nuts to a bowl of low-fat curd, you can increase it's nutritional and benefits manifold. Consumption of curd provides relief from urinary tract infection and vaginal infection. You can use curd in any way. Whether it is eaten in salads or made into raita, it provides nutrition in every form.

Olive oil:

 Olive oil is rich in healthy fats. The amount of cholesterol in it is negligible. It also contains plenty of antioxidants. Use olive oil instead of mustard oil or refined to make vegetables. By consuming it, your heart health will be healthy and obesity will not increase. To provide nourishment to your body, you should include a tablespoon of olive oil in your daily diet. You can use it to make salads and vegetables, but keep in mind that olive oil is not cooked on high heat.

Green tea:  
Your food should be full of nutrition

  Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidant elements. The amount of antioxidants present in green tea is not as much as in any other substance. With regular consumption of green tea, the body's immunity increases, as well as the amount of excess cholesterol present in the body, also decreases. It is also beneficial in improving blood circulation in the body.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

  As far as possible, use fresh fruits and vegetables. They have more nutrition. Eat fruits and vegetables within 72 hours of purchase. After this, up to 15 to 60 percent of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are destroyed. Do not buy vegetables and fruits for more than two days at a time.

Get nutrition from food like this:

  To get the right nutrition from food, it is very important that you know which food is more beneficial in what form. If you eat fruits after cooking, then the nutrients present in them will be destroyed. It is more beneficial to eat them raw. Similarly, you cannot eat grains raw. It is necessary to cook it before eating it. Mixing one pulse with another increases its nutritional value. Never depend on a single grain in your diet. To keep yourself healthy, it is necessary to have a balanced amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium, vitamins, minerals.

Wash fruits and vegetables before cutting:

Your food should be full of nutrition

  There are many vegetables that cutting and washing destroy their nutrients. Wash green leafy vegetables before cutting them. Soak green vegetables in salted water for a while before cooking, to reduce the effect of chemicals and bacteria that are sprayed on them. Due to the over-cooking of some vegetables, their minerals and vitamins are removed, so do not cook carrots, radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, etc. too much. Eat carrots, cucumbers, radishes raw as a salad.

Use in combination:
 In the process of making food, when you mix two things together, then their nutritional value increases. Carbohydrates are abundant in rice and chapati. Pulses are rich in protein and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. Eating all the things together in one meal increases the nutritional value of the food.

Essential vitamins and fats:

  Fat is also very important for the body. For this, you should include dairy products in your diet regularly. You get plenty of vitamins A, D, E, and K from dairy products.

Keep these things in mind : 
  • Sometimes you boil vegetables in water and throw away the water. Due to this, up to 15 to 55 percent of the nutritional elements present in them are destroyed.
  • Wash and soak rajma, chickpeas, and pulses in water, so that you can use that water while cooking. Throwing water reduces the nutritional content of pulses.
  • Do not cook green vegetables by adding more oil and spices for a long time, because it destroys their nutritional value.
  • Eat meat, chicken, fish, etc. cooked thoroughly.
  • Eating boiled eggs is more nutritious than omelets.
  • In your breakfast, instead of bread-butter and parathas, eat porridge with a bowl of curd. If you want, you can also use sprouted grains instead of oatmeal.
  • If you do not have time to have breakfast, then you can also fulfill your breakfast requirement by eating a handful of walnuts, almonds, and cashews.
  • Use only fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables instead of frozen vegetables in your diet.
  • Use raw and cooked food together in your diet. Cut the items used as salad immediately before eating.